Opinion & Editorial
Autocorrect has made you a worse speller
I am not worried about my grammar and spelling mistakes anymore. Autocorrect does its thing, and the mistakes vanish. Then the paper is fixed and my spelling is a worry of the past.
Autocorrect is such a simple yet instrumental tool that makes writing abundantly easier. It changes communication for the better, makes writing less complicated, and even helps people sound more intelligent than they really are. Yet, all this perfection in grammar and spelling has come with a cost. The average person and I have become worse spellers.
The main factor in this problem is that people have become complacent with bad spelling and grammar. They know autocorrect will fix any imperfections, so they are automatically less cautious when spelling. The world moves so quickly that people hardly have any time to type clearly. Only a few parts of a word need to be spelled correctly, and autocorrect will do the rest. As I said earlier, all it takes is a click of a button, and everything is solved. The convenience and ease when typing makes it feel strange to imagine a world without quick corrections.
However, when autocorrect is out of the equation or when it is lacking, such as in written letters or school assignments, the situation can feel like the complete opposite. Spelling and grammar suffer. People have become reliant on those quick corrections that without them, all is lost. Quick typing and writing, bad grammar and incorrect spelling are uncontrollable, and the sentences can become unrecognizable.
Unfortunately, as high school students and kids' screen times increase, the quality of spelling and grammar at school begins to decrease. When using technology for an assignment, students have the luxury of autocorrect for their mistakes. However, at school, misspellings riddle papers in written assignments and
teachers become frustrated with the number of errors. Typing simply does not substitute for old fashioned writing.
This problem has even occurred at Kapaun. Longtime KMC English teacher, Pat Raglin has seen an increase in the number of mistakes on written papers.
"Students rely too much on autocorrect, and a lot of kids can't spell and they have no sense of pronouns anymore," Raglin said.
So, it seems like there are two extremes when it comes to autocorrect. Either there are too many corrections (sometimes bad, mistaken corrections) or not enough corrections that it seems like autocorrect is not doing the job it is supposed to. Many times there is no in between. It is all or nothing.
There must be a solution to the problem of autocorrect. At the moment it feels like the only way to improve is through spelling and grammar practice, but I think it is much easier than that.
Potentially, all it takes is to be more selective of when to use and when not to use autocorrect. Another solution would be to slow down when typing so that not everything is left up to autocorrect.
As the world moves at a faster pace, we need autocorrect to keep up and help us along. There will always be a need for auto-correct, but that need should not be so significant. Autocorrect is not going anywhere soon, so all that matters is that you do not get caught up in the mistakes.
Let’s keep the politics out of sports
The weekend is here. You have waited all week for a break and no better way to do that than watching sports. Sports are a way for many people around the world to take a break from the monotony of everyday life. lt is a time to "veg out" and reset for the day. lt is a form of entertainment for many people.
Recently, sports have been used as a way to push social issues instead of escaping them. This push has entered all of the major sports leagues in North America. lt has brought polarizing topics to fans who only came for sports. This feels like an invasion of a safe space. As a sports fan, I have felt this invasion and it makes me reconsider why I watch sports.
I have been a sports fan for most of my life. As I have gotten older, my love for sports has grown even more. Watching sports has become a way for me to relax and escape like it has for so many people. There is something about sports that brings people together and has the ability to connect strangers. These factors have made the sports market so profitable and unique.
In sports, the viewer gives their full attention to the competition. The league/organization plan is to use this as an opportunity to expose fans to new topics, even ones not related to sports. The viewer could feel betrayed in this situation and lose trust in the league. Over time viewership and ratings fall. For example, the NBA's viewership has declined and ratings have fallen to the lowest it has since the NBA premiered on prime-time television in 1989. This decline is a result of the betrayal of trust. In the end, the situation has and will not change
As a sports fan, I think everyone should have the opportunity to discuss tough subjects. However, I don't think a sporting event is a place to do this. The problem with recent issues is that it isn't always the athletes that advocate for them. Sports leagues tend and teams tend to take the lead. This means that the athletes don't have a decision to sup-port the issue or not. If an athlete disagrees and does not follow the lead in protest, there will be consequences.
A recent example occurred in the 2020 NBA season.
Throughout the NBA, players were kneeling in protest during the national anthem. Orlando Magic Power Forward, Jonathan Issac decided to stand when all of his teammates decided to kneel. Issac stood up for what he believed in and he was punished and attacked for his decision by the media. This incident did the opposite of what sports are supposed to do; it divided people.
Sports have always been around to bring people together. Protesting and advocating social issues in sports is not the way to do this. Any issue pins different groups against each other. I think sports would be a better place without division through political and social issues.
Take a chance on a summer job
The summer is almost here: no school and no responsibilities. Free time will be taken advantage of by some high school students, however, there is a way to be productive - a summer job. Instead of wasting time scrolling through TikTok all summer, apply for a job.
Finding a job might seem complicated on the surface. lt can take a lot of time to apply but once you start to figure out what job to spend your summer doing, it all falls into place. Many summer jobs do not require an abundance of prior experience, but understanding what requirements you need is necessary for applying to a job. To become a lifeguard, for instance, you will need a CPR and lifeguard certification. This allows time to apply while there are still positions available.
Applying early for a summer job allows students to get an idea of what their summer might look like. Students can plan their summer out instead of going into the summer blind. This gives the summer break structure and helps it go a little slower.
Last summer, I worked as a lifeguard, and I felt that my job added stability to my summer. I was able to form a routine and it made the summer more enjoyable because I had something to focus on. lt gave me experiences such as communicating with strangers and solving problems. I am now able to look back on that experience and translate it into other situations.
The type of job that you pick is also important. If you find something that you enjoy, it will make the experience much more entertaining. Sometimes, this is more important than the money made. For example, if you enjoy the outdoors, lifeguarding or lawncare might appeal to you. When you enjoy what you are doing, it will start to feel more rewarding and the work will feel easier. lt is not all about making money, but when working is easier, the money will come easier.
Working over the summer is not only about adding structure to the summer and making money, but it also has psychological benefits. Working helps build confidence in teenagers and can help them to get outside of their comfort zone. lt gives them an appreciation for money and allows them to be less reliant on their parents.
Finally, it gives teenagers more varied activities and gives them new opportunities that they may not receive at school. These experiences can also translate to college and other applications in the future.
By the time summer rolls around, knowing what you will be doing during the break is important. If you plan on working, make sure to apply early and set your summer.
The school year is ending soon and summer will go even quicker. So, when school finally comes back in the fall you can look back and realize all that you accomplished over the summer through working.
Over 30% of high school students had a summer job in 2020 according to Zippia, and you should get one too. Working in the summer is not only a way for students to earn money in the summer, but it also provides stability and a new opportunity. While school is out, students are able to focus completely on their job.
Christmas is not all about presents commercialization takes away true meaning
Christ is being taken out of Christmas.
Each year, Christmas drifts further away from its Catholic origins. The holiday season is not known for the birth of Christ anymore. However, Hallmark movies, pine trees, presents and the grinch have become the secular reason for the season. At this rate of commercialization, Christmas will be completely void of its true purpose.
Christmas started its roots in America in the 1600s when it was brought by immigrants. As time passed and more cultures were introduced to America, Christmas started to take shape and start to become what it is today. The holiday grew in popularity and entered the culture in the 1800s. At this time, Christians had already been celebrating Christ's birth for around 1,400 years.
For Christians, Christmas traditions had already been established and passed down for many years, but secular Christmas and Christmas in America was still young. The traditions that the country started passing down were those of other countries and ethnicities.
Americans needed to find their own 'Christmas.'
In 1931, Americans were given just what they needed. Coca-Cola created an unforgettable image of Santa Claus. Through marketing, Coke changed the way that Santa was viewed in popular culture. its image became the way that many viewed Christmas.
Around the time Coca-Cola's Santa formed its spot in Christmas tradition, Christmas movies came into the mainstream. A few of these films included "It's a Wonderful Life," "White Christmas" and "Miracle on 34th Street." These movies pushed the new image of Santa further into the public's eye. They also showed the way that the American Christmas was supposed to be celebrated. lt gave a visual image of what Christmas in America is 'supposed' to be. From the 1930s until now, secular Christmas has grown in great popularity.
In 2022, people are consumed with materialism around Christmas time. In fact, according to the latest data from the National Retail Federation, American consumers spend an average of $997.73 on gifts during the holiday season. The season has now become a time for buying presents. Do not get me wrong, I love Christmas presents, but it feels a little out of hand.
The Christmas season too far away from Jesus's birth, the true reason for holidays. I ask for a change to occur, the holiday needs to become less about spending and the secular world needs to be able to make Jesus apart of the season once again.
Teens are the future of government - You can take part in your community and country
I recently had a conversation with a friend where we discussed what we wanted to do in life. We discussed being involved in politics and government as a future profession. The only problem is we didn’t know where to start. The task seemed lofty and an outrageous dream, but everyone has to start somewhere. The question is where. Every leader starts somewhere in their career.
For many teens who want to get into government in some way, they may be asking these same questions. It’s a difficult position because at 14 to 18 years old, there is not much that a student can do in the public service realm. However, that doesn’t mean that they are completely cut out of politics and government. With all the moving parts in public service, teens can find plenty of opportunities to be involved in their community or even the state.
Each election, whether it be every two years for Senate and House of Representatives seats or every four years for the president, people go door to door or speak in their community as grassroots organizations. Grassroots persuade voters who are on the fence about the candidates and can have an important part in elections. Many grassroots organizations need volunteers, making the job the right fit for teens. Students can get a feel for a political campaign and can better understand that every American has the responsibility to vote.
Another way for teens to get involved in government and politics is the American Legion Boys and Girls State. The program offers different ways to experience government and is a great way to experience government for the first time. Outside of boys and girls state, the American Legion branches off into various forms of community work and veteran support and can help lay the groundwork for a future in public service.
Finally, community representation such as the Mayor’s Youth Council (MYC) or student sit-ins on Board of Education (BOE) meetings allows teens to provide input to the leaders of the community. Though KMC is a public school and thus not affected by the BOE decisions, student representation would still be important and would add a unique insight.
With all the ways teens can become involved in politics and government, it is now easier than ever to find your true passion and determine if public service is right for you. There are so many different ways to get involved as teens, and I would not be surprised if teen involvement in the community continues to grow in the upcoming years.
Teacher turnover plagues KMC - Positions become harder to fill each year
While new teachers join Kapaun Mt. Carmel every year, this fall saw a larger influx than usual, as a total of 14 joined the KMC faculty. In the last three years, KMC has had a total of 36 new faces teaching classes. This turnover is concerning, yet not surprising.
Turnover in any workplace can have positive or negative effects, but in a school environment, its ripples run deeper. The impact teachers make on students lasts a lifetime, and when the same teacher teaches multiple siblings, their memory becomes a family affair. When these teachers move on to retirement, another school or even another industry, the memories they leave behind remain.
Teacher turnover can negatively affect students in several significant ways. In KMC's unique CAP program, losing a teacher means losing both a CAP advisor and a trusted mentor. The connections that were made are difficult to reestablish each year and trust takes time to build.
Although these numbers seem high, across the city, state, and country, teaching positions have become increasingly difficult to fill. Kansas ranks second in the nation for teachers leaving their jobs, according to KSN Topeka. For example, KMC was unable to find a debate or history teacher this school year.
Teaching is also not the appealing profession it once was. Students are choosing to pursue careers in engineering and medicine. This is the result of salary and the difficulty of the j ob, along with the lack of societal and parental support. If KMC looks to decrease its teacher turnover in the future, promoting students to pursue this profession is key. This year, only one student has entered the teaching academy at KMC and this trend could continue in the future if no changes are made.
However, KMC continues to find teachers who share similar religious values and are committed to their jobs and students. Though finding teachers becomes more challenging, KMC continues to adapt, ensuring that qualified individuals fill each role.
Many teachers find the culture at KMC more enriching than they ever expected from a job. With the induction of Kairos at KMC, not only the students are affected by this life-changing retreat. Teachers take turns attending as well, and many find it a fulfilling experience in their relationship with Jesus. KMC has a lot to offer - hopefully the tangibles like a salary raise enough to match the intangibles, like culture and spirituality.
Give this giving season - Help through time, talent, treasure
As Americans and Kapaun Mt. Carmel students, we tend to get, get, get. With the Advent and Christmas seasons approaching, we are encouraged to do the opposite and give to others. Yet, sharing is not only about monetary things. As Catholics, we offer our time, talent and treasure to the Church and have the opportunity to give to others in a variety of ways.
At the Paladin, we believe that sharing with others is essential to being a Catholic, and good human beings. James 2: 14-17 states, "Our faith is dead if we ignore others in need." But, how does one go about helping the needy? There are three main ways to do so.
The first way to give is time. One's time during this season is usually associated with volunteering through charities. Some of the best ways to do this at KMC are through the Nation-al Honors Society, KAY Club, and at Lord's Diner. These methods allow one to connect with other volunteers and those in need.
Besides volunteering, one's time can be used to do simple things such as strengthen relationships with others. Conversations with family members, friends or strangers have the ability to lighten one's day and build a stronger bond. Compared to volunteering, engagement with others is a quick and effective way to share the season's joy.
Along with sharing time, talents are a way to participate in the giving season. Many students at KMC are talented artists, musicians, bakers, crafters and writers. Using these gifts for others is in true Catholic fashion. This option of giving can be more rewarding than donating money because of the gratification of creating something. lt can also be a heartfelt gift for others. Other ways to use talents are through planning and organizing events. Leaders can gain experience and promote a good cause using their talents.
Of course, the final way to donate during the Christmas season is giving something monetary. Charities around Wichita can do a lot of powerful work with other's donations. Catholic Charities, especially, are one of the best options in the community. The Lord's Diner and a Better Choice do specific work that benefits the underprivileged in the community. Another way to use money to do something positive is to give gifts of sentimental value. This forms a special connection with the receiver and the gift giver and will be a more lasting memory.
No matter what option one chooses during the holiday season, each has the power to benefit someone and create a lasting impact. In a world that becomes increasingly jaded, the least that people can do is to support their neighbor and use their gifts to benefit others.
Traditional Journalism Nearing Death - Industry needs to Adapt to survive
In 2023, two news industry giants were let-go. From Fox News, Tucker Carlson and from CNN Don Lemon. The two men, different in their views, had one question for the future: What next?
With strong followings and sup-porters, both launched their own news networks and shows, named after themselves. This restart in each of their careers was considered an anomaly at the time and thought to be a new step forward in journalism. Sites such as YouTube and X (formally Twitter) became their homes and many viewers now consume a majority of their news through these outlets.
Fifty years ago, Americans consumed their media through television, newspapers and magazines. Today, these mediums have almost completely gone online and traditional news outlets see a dip in readers and ratings. At the Paladin, we believe that traditional media needs to adapt to survive well into the future. Journalism is much more than an industry and
With modern news transition to online, readers can pick how they consume their news. With more competition in the space, news corporations are fighting for our attention spans. This can lead to untrustworthy stories from the traditional media big dogs. Often, outlets care more about a certain agenda or cause than telling the full, true story. We think this is what has led to the down fall of many traditional media sources. Consumers can easily, now more than ever, pick and choose their favorite outlet, while weeding out the ones they do not prefer. For instance, according to the Pew Research Center, news websites and social media have seen 48 percent of people choosing this medium over things like television or newspapers. That is an 11 percent increase in usage from 2018 to 2024. These numbers come as no surprise because of how integral phones have become to our Jives. With all the information in the world at our fingertips, it is obvious that people will find what is right for them.
With so much 'shake up' in the news industry, we believe that media should run its course. If the viewer prefer different ways of consuming content, then they should be allowed to do so and the most successful news outlets that should prosper. In time, the former powerhouses of the industry will die, and the online and social media will reign supreme.